Tristan Greatrex


Straight Up


Taz Taylor Band


No Hair Music

Release Date

2012 (Original date 2009)

Taz Talor is a stunning musician. So it was exciting to have received an e-mail from Taz, asking if I would consider creating the artwork for the 2012 remastered version of their album 'Straight Up'.

It's always interesting to find out, when working with new musicians, exactly what they like and what they don't. Taz is a huge UFO fan from way back and all he said, was anything different, I like your work so over to you.

The album title went round and round in my head for weeks. I had created 4 visuals and was searching for the fifth. It was a hot sunny day, I laid on my back in a park with my head towards a tower block. I was looking 'Straight Up' with the sun streaming down. What if the tower block was going 'round and round' me? Instead of this, the album title was going 'round and round' inside my head!

Later that night I worked on the design and cover - You will notice that the tower block only has one side, instead of having four external sides to it, it has four internal sides, going 'round and round' - just as it was 'inside my head'. Each side is the same, an exact replica to reflect the repetitiveness of form and light. The TTB logo was re-created digitally and placed below the album title, centrally together with the sun glare being obscured, enhancing the shadow in each corner of the square block. That's the story as to how this album cover evolved - Straight Up. Taz went for the final idea, which is great.

ps - by the way if you wanted to see the other 4 visuals, here you go

I am extremely excited to have art work for this album done by You, the fact that it looks like something that UFO could have used in the '70s makes it even better.
I do really like what you did for "Seven Deadly" btw.

Taz Taylor, from Taz Taylor Band