Tristan Greatrex


The Unforgiven World Tour - MSG





Release Date


The Michael Schenker Group Tour ' 99, released by SPV/Steamhammer.

The MSG designed logo appears on the cover and double-CD labels. Copyright credit is given but interestingly on the Studio album, 'The Unforgiven', released earlier in the year, no mention of a credit. That's OK, just setting the record straight. Also designed the black and white UTM logo.

Two years on, in 2001, MSG released 'Be Aware Of Scorpions' which also features the MSG logo design on the front cover and overall packaging.

Be Aware of Scorpions - Four MSG logo's - Cover, Rear Cover, CD label - Inside Jewelcase, released on SPV/Steamhammer in 2001.

Finally in 2003. 'Arachnophobiac' - The MSG logo on its cover only and was released on a new record label, Mascot Records.

    Inside booklet - MSG logo credit

    The Unforgiven - Studio album - MSG and UTM Logo creation


    Be Aware of Scorpions - Four MSG logo's - Cover, Rear Cover, CD label - Inside Jewelcase

    Arachnophobiac - MSG logo on the cover, released on Mascot Records in 2003

Michael Schenker is one of the most influental rock guitarists of his generation.